

Rinderpest started in 1865 and reached its peak in 1866. The disease was fatal in 6 to 10 days and many farmers were ruined before a compensation scheme was introduced.

In Allostock William Carter of Millgate lost 19 cows and John Venables of Bradshaw Brook Farm lost 43. No doubt there were other unrecorded losses.

When one of the smaller sand quarries was developed between Brook House Farm and Hales Pasture cattle bones buried in quick lime were uncovered and hastily reburied after inspection ! This cattle disease has now been eradicated in the UK.

More about Rinderpest

Rinderpest is an infectious viral disease of cattle. It is commonly referred to as cattle plague.

The disease is characterized by loss of appetite, nasal and eye discharges, fever, oral erosions, diarrhoea, lymphoid necrosis, and high mortality.

Death rates during outbreaks are usually extremely high, approaching 100%. The disease is mainly spread by direct contact and by drinking contaminated water, although it can also be transmitted by air

Many thanks to Julia Wilson who provided much of the History section, and acknowledgements to the late Charles Bentley who resourced some of the local history and to Gordon Nisbett for much of the information on the history of Allostock School and the WI and others for local memories.