Sibelco meeting

U:\Brookside Hall UK\Resources\Minerals Resources\2020\N01 ‐ Newplatt and Rudheath\P05 Rudheath Lodge Farm\Liaison\Rudheath Lodge Quarry Community Liaison Meeting 14.01.2020 FINAL sent 30.01.2020.docx RUDHEATH LODGE QUARRY COMMUNITY LIAISON MEETING NOTES OF MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 14th JANUARY 2020 Attendees: J Clowes Holmes Chapel Parish Council G Morgan Cranage Parish Council (Vice Chair) D Roberts Goostrey Parish Council E…Read more

Christmas Concert

ALLOSTOCK VILLAGE HALL, Chapel Lane, Allostock. WA16 9LS    Registered Charity: No. 520001 A CHRISTMAS      EVENING                WITH  THE MUSIC OF “LOSTOCK UKULELE BAND” AND A MIXED PROGRAMME OF FUN AND LAUGHTER. Friday 6th December 2019 7.30pm. Admission: Adults £5 / Children: No charge. Includes a glass of Mulled Wine or soft drink. (Additional refreshments available) PLEASE…Read more

Village Hall

  WE NEED YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT! ALLOSTOCK VILLAGE HALL   –  WA16-9LS   ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY 21st NOVEMBER 2019 at 7.30pm.   Please join us on the 21st! Are you the one to give inspiration and help organise events and activities? ***** Can you suggest new ideas and ways forward for our lovely Village…Read more