U:\Brookside Hall UK\Resources\Minerals Resources\2020\N01 ‐ Newplatt and Rudheath\P05 Rudheath Lodge Farm\Liaison\Rudheath Lodge Quarry
Community Liaison Meeting 14.01.2020 FINAL sent 30.01.2020.docx
Attendees: J Clowes Holmes Chapel Parish Council
G Morgan Cranage Parish Council (Vice Chair)
D Roberts Goostrey Parish Council
E Williams Cheshire East Council
H Honeysett Cheshire West & Chester Council
S Smith Jodrell Bank Observatory
P Adlington Allostock Parish Council
A Kolker Cheshire East Elect (Chair)
M Davies Sibelco
K Jinks Sibelco
D Walton Sibelco
L Williams Sibelco
J Perkins Local Resident (invite, G Morgan)
1. Apologies
Cll Mark Stocks. Gareth Woods replaced by Mr. Perkins.
2. Minutes from Previous Meeting (15.10.2019)
3. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting
P Adlington (PA) raised the issue over allowing members of the public to attend the meeting. PA did
not understand the process from the previous meeting and felt that members of the public should not
be invited. G Morgan (GM) put forward that Gareth Woods had been rejected as a permanent
member but under the Terms of Reference he could be invited as a one off. H Honeysett (HH)
referenced paragraph 4.4 of the TOR. J Clowes (JC) raised the issue of clarity of in terms of the
process with visitors. For example, the Parish Council meetings can be viewed by the public but are
not part of the debate. This meeting appears to be private. GM reiterated previous points regarding
Appendix O. A Kolker (AK) did not want to get hung up on point read out Objective of Committee. D
Roberts (DR) mentioned the issue is mechanism of how we do this. Parish Councils need to be
contacts for issues. M Davies (MD) asked for clarity that members of the public can attend by prior
approval of the committee. AK confirmed that this is the case.
4. Site Operations including Compliance with Planning Conditions
K Jinks (KJ) provided an operational update via a powerpoint.
U:\Brookside Hall UK\Resources\Minerals Resources\2020\N01 ‐ Newplatt and Rudheath\P05 Rudheath Lodge Farm\Liaison\Rudheath Lodge Quarry
Community Liaison Meeting 14.01.2020 FINAL sent 30.01.2020.docx
Community complaint ‐ It was reported that a delivery vehicle breaking the weight restriction along the
main road, Goostrey on the 4th December 2019. The presentation demonstrated Sibelco’s process of
dealing with complaints. The new supply company hadn’t been informed of the weight restriction. DR
mentioned the 7.5T weight restriction and whether Sibelco are breaking limit at the junction of Main
Road / Goostrey Lane / New Platt Lane. MD identified that Goostrey Lane is not restricted. The
restriction starts at the junction of Main Street/New Platt Lane. This is confirmed by Cheshire West
Highways who have decided that signage has to go in the safest place. GM raised concern over the
impact on residents at Goostrey Lane / A50 and children. A question was also raised as to the number
of HGVs that would be using this alternative route while New Platt Lane is closed. It was queried
whether a 30 mph speed restriction could be put in place on Goostrey Lane during the road closure. D
Walton (DW) explained the S278 process is dealt with via Cheshire West Highways and they identify the
appropriate speed restrictions and signage.
E Williams (EW) suggested Sibelco could time construction deliveries to avoid school drop off/pick up
HH identified Jon Evans at Cheshire East Highways as the contact to review information and raise
concerns. (Note: Goostrey Lane is in Cheshire East whilst the S.278 works on New Platt Lane are in
Cheshire West) ACTION: EW to provide GM with Jon Evans details.
PA raised an issue regarding a culvert on Goostrey Lane that has worsened over years and needs repair.
DR raised issues over the size of HGVs and the sanctions imposed by Cheshire East. KJ said that Sibelco
are flagging issues of HGVs and the restrictions at Goostrey. Sibelco site operations to assist drivers
prior. HH and EW confirmed that roads split boundary at Goostrey Lane in Cheshire East Council. New
Platt Lane is in Cheshire West and Chester Council.
DR wants it minuting that he believes the junction of Goostrey / Main Street / New Platt Lane will be
eroded following the road closure works and alternative route. DR stated that CEC / CW&C should
inspect following works and repair or would Sibelco be willing to repair? Mr John Perkin (JP) raised the
issue of traffic coming from Knutsford. There is no signage to say the road is closed. This is also the
same from Holmes Chapel. DR raised the issue with road signs at Goostrey Lane / New Platt Lane.
Sibelco to raise with Cheshire Highways.
JP raised the issue of traffic egressing Northwich Road. High number of people turning left onto the
A50 then right onto New Platt Lane. It tends to get very busy at peak times. AK raised the issue of
blocking visibility splays.
JP asked for confirmation that the diversion would be for 12 weeks. KJ replied that it is 12 weeks.
JP queried the Bent Farm Quarry liaison minutes re the issues of lorries going the wrong way ie. 3rd party
contractors going the wrong way through weight restrictions on Walhill Lane. MD stated that we are
working CEC to find warning signs to improve the situation. So far they are not accepted by CEC. The
issue is incoming vehicles. L Williams (LW) stated that it is not just a Sibelco issue along Wallhill Lane.
MD identified that at Rudheath only Sibelco controlled vehicles will be using the site due to material
only being outgoing. The issue at Bent Farm is two way vehicle movements and the use of third party
KJ continued the presentation. There will be an information board on New Platt Lane for general notices
for both Sibelco and the wider community. ACTION: Include CW&C / CEC and Jodrell Bank in the
U:\Brookside Hall UK\Resources\Minerals Resources\2020\N01 ‐ Newplatt and Rudheath\P05 Rudheath Lodge Farm\Liaison\Rudheath Lodge Quarry
Community Liaison Meeting 14.01.2020 FINAL sent 30.01.2020.docx
circulation of information. DR asked for these notices to be distributed to all Clerks and Parishes
concerned. MD stated that they would be bi‐monthly information leaflets. JC asked whether the
information will be different from that presented at the liaison committee? PA asked for hard copies
to be sent to the Clerks. ACTION: Sibelco to provide hard copies of leaflets to Parish Clerks.
DR & GM discussed how we would notify people of a major impact? MD asked for definition of that
point. Was determined that the liaison group membership would be the method to provide major news.
All agreed.
KJ provided a local contractors list. LW gave an overview of compliance with planning conditions.
Advance planting will be carried out in this planting season (condition 9). Inaugural annual progress
meeting with CEC and CW&C took place last year. Summary report submitted to the Councils. No issues
raised (condition 10). Electromagnetic testing to take place in spring when the plant is commissioned
(condition 11). Noise monitoring took place last year. Monitoring every 3 months during construction
(condition 13). Realigned ditch to be constructed in spring prior to mineral extraction (condition 21).
Discussions held with Councils regarding the provision of footpath along the eastern boundary of the
site to confirm construction details (condition 32). Supplementary Tree Survey submitted to CW&C and
condition 38 formally discharged.
SS introduced herself to the committee from Jodrell Bank. SS clarified that her department at University
of Manchester is separate from that which will be doing the monitoring required under planning.
LW outlined the location of ditch 3 and the permissive path. AK asked about the condition regarding
water level monitoring. LW confirmed that when we quarry we have to be at a certain lake level.
JPP asked when Ditch 1 and 2 would be diverted. LW confirmed that this is in around 5‐7 years away in
later phases. JP noted the proximity of ditch 1 to the A50.
5. Results of Conditioned Monitoring
As per Powerpoint.
6. Site Development
As per Powerpoint. KJ detailed the 6 month phasing plan. GM discussed soil bund heights at phasing
by Goostrey residents and planting mix. KJ outlined approved mix and commitments to ongoing
7. Council Matters
Cranage Parish Council
GM reassured by information coming from Sibelco in relation to the development.
Mr P stated that he is very concerned about potential for subsidence for his house on the opposite side
of the A50. LW outlined the Stability Monitoring Scheme. Mr P questioned who is liable regarding
cracks or subsidence identified in his property. Discussed protocol, planning condition which is
monitored by CEC/CW&C. Stability monitoring results will be provided to liaison committee.
U:\Brookside Hall UK\Resources\Minerals Resources\2020\N01 ‐ Newplatt and Rudheath\P05 Rudheath Lodge Farm\Liaison\Rudheath Lodge Quarry
Community Liaison Meeting 14.01.2020 FINAL sent 30.01.2020.docx
Allostock Parish Council
Holmes Chapel Parish Council
None. Only concern is if Holmes Chapel residents are complaining to Gareth Woods instead of the
Parish Council.
Goostrey Parish Council
Would have liked Agenda earlier, 7 days before. Junction of A50 needs a review of safety over a period
of time. MD asked how they would like the Agenda distributing? AK would like it to go direct. MD
confirmed to provide it 2 weeks prior to the meeting.
Cheshire West & Chester Council
Cheshire East Council
Emma Williams introduced herself as replacement for Gary Nancarrow.
Jodrell Bank
None. Will have discussion regarding continued attendance.
8. Any Other Business
MD stated that the TOR sought a 12 month schedule for the Liaison meetings.
9. Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 7th April 2020 at Cranage Village Hall – 4pmU:\Brookside Hall UK\Resources\Minerals Resources\2020\N01 ‐ Newplatt and
